Now I'm Shopping, I'm Not Stopping
I'm going to really geek out for a minute and discuss selecting and purchasing a new computer, one of my favorite things in the world to do. I spent quite a bit of time mulling over the purchase. It came down to Dell or Apple. Specifically, a Mac mini equipped with extra ram for $700 or a souped up Dimension 9200 with a quad core processor for $650. The debate was between efficiency in size or efficiency in price.
I ended up going with price and I'm pretty happy I did so although I haven't had a chance to play with it because it is at home and I am still at college. When I start editing again, I'm going to be much better off with premiere with a quad core processor than with final cut with a much slower dual core processor. Also, there's plenty of room to expand in the Dell whereas one can not really expand at all with the Mac mini without a putty knife to open it up with. Steve got a nearly identical computer about a week before me so I had a chance to play with it and look inside and I must say that it seems like a very well put together piece of computer. Resembling some sort of hybrid of consumer price and professional quality. Also, after playing around with a few things, it's obvious the quad core processor ain't no slouch.